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Youth Album for Piano

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From the Publisher

In addition to the innumerable piano pieces for children by famous composers, we also know the well-loved and proven pieces of teaching literature from:

  • Album For The Youth (Robert Schumann)
  • Youth Album (Peter Tchaikowsky)
  • Children's Album (Aram Chatchaturjan)

In these works, the composers introduce us to their own personal style in a loving and responsible fashion through small piano pieces. These musical vignettes are both an acoustic and enduring documentation of their respective musical languages and differing eras. A YOUTH ALBUM like the one you have in your hands is, in respect to the chronology of the albums mentioned above, long overdue. Including Jazz, Rock, Blues, Boogie Woogie, Ragtime and Pop pieces, this album concentrates solely on popular music which itself has developed and its influence widened in the most diverse and undreamt -of ways in the course of the last few decades. Today, popular music captivates young people and functions as their primary listening environment from the earliest days of childhood. It's only natural that one wants to play the music that one hears everyday. And as soon as the basics of piano playing have been tackled and one can get around the keyboard with some facility, it's time for something new!

Although one can easily sing along and "feel" the beat of popular music, each individual style has it's own typical characteristics and difficulties, which, primarily concerning rhythm, take some getting used to on the keyboard. Certain melodic turns, chord progressions and rhythmic anomalies define each style whether it's Jazz, Rock, Blues, Boogie Woogie, Ragtime or Popmusic. In this YOUTH ALBUM, these features are taught in a fun way starting with the easiest pieces. The subtleties of stylistically typical articulation elevate your interpretation and increase the fun factor at the same time. You should thus pay careful attention to them.

The YOUTH ALBUM should be your long term partner as you can find pieces at your present technical level (i. e. very easy – easy - medium -advanced) and in your favorite style. Curiosity can lead to playing other styles; maybe you will find a new favorite! Given the broad spectrum of styles and levels of difficulty covered in the book, the YOUTH ALBUM can become the constant companion of every one who plays the piano.

So, have lots of fun and practice, practice, practice!

Item Details

Category: Classical Piano Albums
Publisher: AMA Verlag
Publisher's reference: 610234
Our Stock Code: 1084443
Media Type: Paperback