Our Description
Classical ebonite mouthpiece. Ligature and cap not included.
Tip Openings in 1/1000 Inch:
M15: 41 (1.035mm) - Long facing
5RV: 42 (1.06mm) - Medium-short facing
5RV Lyre: 43 (1.09mm) - Medium facing
M30: 45 (1.15mm) - Long facing
11•6: 46 (1.16mm) - Medium-short facing
B46: 46 (1.17mm) - Medium facing
B40 Lyre: 46 (1.175mm) - Long facing
B45•: 47(1.20mm) - Medium-long facing, large chamber
B45: 47 (1.20mm) - Medium-long facing
B40: 47 (1.20mm) - Medium-long facing, small chamber
B45 Lyre: 50 (1.27mm) - Medium-long facing
5JB: 58 (1.47mm) - Long facing
Manufacturer's Descriptions
"The M15 enables you to play strong reeds with a great blowing ease. Exceptional sonority. The musician can easily achieve a colourful spectrum of sound."
"The world-famous 5RV is the professional standard by which all others are measured."
"The 5RV Lyre is responsive, easy to control in all registers, excellent for students. For symphonic and chamber music."
"The M30 is designed to produce more flexibility, incorporating a very long facing and large tip rail to produce a mouthpiece similar in sonority to the B40, with easier sound production qualities."
"The 11•6 (11 spot 6) has the same sound quality as the B45 obtained by using reeds that are a little stronger."
"The B46 is ideal for the dance musican with a classical background or the symphonic clarinettist desiring more tip opening"
"The B40 Lyre shares many qualities of the landmark B40. The perfect blend of round sound and great tone colour. Excellent sound production, especially in the upper register."
"The B45• (B45 spot) is a large-chambered mouthpiece which produces excellent, full "rounded" sound."
"The B45 is universally acclaimed and the most popular Vandoren mouthpiece. Designed for the symphonic orchestral player."
"The B40 is designed to use soft reeds without sacrificing the sound quality of a harder reed (centred and compact)."
"The B45 Lyre has the sound of the B40 and the comfort of the B45."
"The 5JB has a very open tip and long facing - the jazz mouthpiece."