The Two Wise Guys for Two Alto Saxophones [Playing score(s)]
15 Character Pieces
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These pieces are intended for instruction purposes, enabling the students to make themselves familiar with polyphonic composition technique in a playful manner. In order to illustrate the musical performance of the individual titles, the teacher should particularly dwell upon the contents of each piece. The titles stimulate our fantasy ever so much, e.g. "How somebody lost the thread while talking" or "How in a village a harmless story became a rumour and was eventually considered irrevocably true". For concert performances, the pieces may be arranged in any order.Performance duration (approx): 40
Als einer beim Reden den Faden verlor - Stummer Abschied - Wie in einem Dorfe eine harmlose Geschichte zum Gerücht avancierte und hernach als unumstößliche Wahrheit angesehen wurde - Die beiden Rechthaber - Junge und Mädchen beim Schlittschuhlaufen - Mühsal - Schnitzeljagd - Anno dazumal - Blumen im Wind - Die Spinne im Netz - Träumendes Kind - Sehnsucht - Der hektische Postbote - Schüchternheit - Der GauklerItem Details
Category: Saxophone Duet MusicPublisher: Zimmermann Frankfurt
Publisher's reference: ZM33500
Our Stock Code: 1682793
Media Type: Paperback - Playing score(s)