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Rovner L-1E (L4) "Light" Eb Clarinet Ligature and Cap

£24.58 excluding VAT (UK Export and VAT Assisted Purchase price)
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Manufacturer's Description

Rovner ligatures incorporate an old idea for creating natural sound, softly holding the reed to the mouthpiece with no pressure points, just as if the reed were tied on with string. Because there are no pressure points or rigid constraints on the reed, the reed seats evenly to the facing of the mouthpiece, thereby reducing stiffness and increasing tonal clarity. These features contribute to the playing characteristics for which Rovner Ligatures are famous; even scales, accurate intonation and excellent control.

Rovner ligatures also greatly improve reed playability. Reeds which are totally unplayable on other ligatures will often perform well with the Rovner. The ability of the Rovner Ligature to extend reed life is unparallelled. More rigid ligatures actually hammer the cane fibres during vibration, eventually destroying the reed's tonal vibrancy. Not so with Rovner. Most players find their reeds will play until the tips finally succumb to fatigue and fall apart!

Every Rovner Ligature:

  • Permits the reed to vibrate more freely than with conventional metal ligatures
  • Improves tone, response and intonation of woodwind instruments
  • Allows the reed to swell and shrink without distorting the reed body, reducing the likelihood of leakage at the facing
  • Reduces peculiar modes of vibration that give rise to uneven scales, poor intonation, squeaks and raspiness
  • If properly used, will provide greater playing ease, considerably extended reed life and fewer rejected reeds
  • Is made of the finest materials obtainable
  • Has a body made of neoprene-impregnated polyester fabric that will not stretch or rot and is chemically impervious;
  • Is fitted with corrosion-resistant metal fittings
  • Undergoes constant scrutiny for possible improvements
  • Features double-textured ligature body with new T-process Polymer Impregnation

Our Description

A free-playing ligature with a broader, more open tone quality for gutsy, contemporary styles of playing. Gives a free and responsive feel similar to other Rovner Ligatures, but with a reedier air to the sound. Supplied with cap.

Item Details

Manufacturer: Rovner
Model number: L-1E
Category: Eb and Alto Clarinet Ligatures and Caps