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Play Hollywood: 10 Screen Classics for Flute
Includes Online Audio

Arranged by Richard Harris
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  • Staff Pick

Staff Pick

“A treat for everyone!”

Chris Hankin Just Flutes staff member - [email protected]

The contents list reads like a who's who of film scores so it's great that these pared-down arrangements really work. The easily downloadable backing tracks encourage you to sound like a part of the action which makes learning so much easier. The book is really aimed at younger players but is actually a real treat for everyone!

From the Publisher

Play Hollywood (Flute/ECD) features 10 all-time great film themes from across the decades with fun backing tracks to play along with. From the classic Chariots Of Fire and Superman to action-packed Star WarsJames Bond and Lord Of The Rings.  you can play along with all your favourite movie themesAll the songs have been carefully selected and arranged for the Intermediate (Grades 3-5) player by Richard Harris, with fun backing tracks and piano accompaniments to download online. 

Difficulty guide: 3-5
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).

Approved Exam Music

Recommended for the following exam grade(s):

ABRSM ABRSM Flute (from 2022)
Grades: 3


  • Theme from Star Wars John Williams
  • Theme from James Bond Monty Norman
  • Circle of Life with Nants' Igonyama from The Lion King Elton John/Tim Rice/Hans Zimmer/Lebo M
  • Hedwig's Theme and Mr Longbottom Flies from Harry Potter John Williams
  • Themes from Chariots of Fire Vangelis
  • Theme from Batman Danny Elfman
  • My Heart will go on from Titanic James Horner
  • He's a Pirate from Pitates of the Carribean Klaus Badelt/Hans Zimmer/Geoffry Zanelli
  • Theme from Superman John Williams
  • The Ring Goes South from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Howard Shore

Item Details


  • Part 1: Flute
Category: Film, Show & Pop Playalongs for Flute
Publisher: Faber Music
Publisher's reference: 0571528228
Our Stock Code: 1002508
Media Type: Paperback (15 pages [score]); includes accompaniment Online Audio