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Perfect Harmony! for Two Flutes

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  • Highly recommended
  • Great for teachers

From the Publisher

"As a flute teacher, I am driven by a passion for passing on knowledge and experience. I wanted to provide students completing Cycle 1 with a smooth and progressive approach to acquiring technical and musical fundamentals.

An original concept based on combining duet playing with the exploration of the flute repertoire, this collection shall appeal to students and teachers alike. It may also double as a useful sight-reading resource for more advanced students.

Perfect harmony! is structured in 18 <>, each spreading over two pages, with the following sections:

  • Tone (Sonorité): preparatory exercises with a focus on listening, intonation and keeping a relaxed embouchure
  • Dexterity (Agilité): scales (featuring minor scales in natural and melodic forms), scales in thirds and arpeggios with different articulations
  • MosaÏque Etude: original compositions by Gilles Martin, dealing with specific technical and rhythmic issues but always with a view to enhancing the expression of musicality
  • Repertoire: arrangements of excerpts from sonatas and concertos or orchestral excerpts prominently featuring the flute, from the Baroque era down to the 20th century.

Like Byzantine mosaic artists combining little ceramic elements into art pieces, flute players shall combine their multiple competencies and - so I hope - turn into accomplished musicians.

I hope you enjoy these duets and I wish you lots of fun!"



  1. C major
  2. A minor
  3. F major
  4. D minor
  5. G major
  6. E minor
  7. B flat major
  8. G minor
  9. D major
  10. B minor
  11. E flat major
  12. C minor
  13. A major
  14. F sharp minor
  15. A flat major
  16. F minor
  17. E major
  18. C sharp minor

Item Details


  • Part 1: Flute
  • Part 2: Flute
Category: Duets for Two Flutes
Publisher: Éditions Billaudot
Publisher's reference: GB10272
Our Stock Code: 1612639
Media Type: Paperback