Library of Piano Classics Vol 1
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A compendium of the world's most loved music. True to the spirit of the great composers, this volume fills the vital needs of the student and teacher. Works by Bach, Tchaikovsky and Prokoviev.
- Air [Handel, George Frideric]
- Air And Variations [Handel, Georg Frideric]
- Album Leaf (Scriabin)
- Alla Turca (Turkish March) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus]
- Anitra's Dance (Peer Gynt Suite Op.46 No.1) [Grieg, Edvard]
- Bagatelle [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
- Barcarolle (Les Contes D'Hoffmann) [Offenbach, Jacques]
- Butterfly [Grieg, Edvard]
- Capriccio Italienne Op.45 [Tchaikovsky, Pytor Ilyich]
- Deux Arabesques [Debussy, Claude]
- Ecossaise [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
- Fantasie Impromptu [Chopin, Frederic]
- Fantasy In D Minor (Mozart)
- Four Pieces From The Little Notebook [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
- Fur Elise (Bagatelle In A Minor WoO 59) [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
- Gipsy Rondo [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
- Golliwogg's Cakewalk [Debussy, Claude]
- Having Fun [Kabalevsky, Dmitri]
- Humerosque (Grieg)
- Humoresque [Dvorak, Antonin]
- Hungarian Dance [Brahms, Johannes]
- Hungarian Rhapsody No.1 [Liszt, Franz]
- La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin [Debussy, Claude]
- Largo [Handel, George Frideric]
- Le Coucou [Daquin, Louis-claude]
- Le Tambourin [Rameau, Jean-philippe]
- Liebestraum [Liszt, Franz]
- Malaguena [Albeniz, Isaac]
- March Militaire [Schubert, Franz]
- Mazurka In B Flat [Chopin, Frederic]
- Minstrels [Debussy, Claude]
- Minuet (Blavet)
- Minuet In G [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
- Moment Musicale Op.94 No.3 [Schubert, Franz]
- Moonlight Sonata Op.27 No.2 [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
- Nocturne (Faure)
- Nocturne In E Flat Op.9 No.2
- Nocturne Op. 72 No. 1 (Chopin)
- Peter And The Wolf [Prokofiev, Sergei]
- Poem [Fibich, Zdenek]
- Polka (Shostakovitch)
- Prelude [Rachmaninov, Sergei]
- Prelude And Fugue Book 1. No 2 (Bach)
- Prelude And Fugue Book 2 No. 12 (Bach)
- Prelude In A Op.28 No.7 [Chopin, Frederic]
- Prelude In B Minor Op.28 No.6 [Chopin, Frederic]
- Prlude No. 1 (Bach)
- Rondinio (Field)
- Rondo (Hummel)
- Rondo A Capriccio In G Op.129 [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
- Rondo In D [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus]
- Saber Dance (Khacturian)
- Serenade [Schubert, Franz]
- Six Variations (Beethoven)
- Sonata In D Major (Haydn)
- Sonata K 543 (Mozart)
- Sonate Au Clair De Lune (Moonlight Sonata)
- Song Of India (Sadko) [Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolay]
- Tango [Albeniz, Isaac]
- The Blue Danube Waltz Op.314 [Strauss II, Johann]
- The Cascades [Joplin, Scott]
- The Doll's Complaint (Franck)
- The Happy Farmer Op.68 No.10 (Album For The Young) [Schumann, Robert]
- The Little Negro (Debussy)
- The Music Box [Lyadov, Anatol]
- To A Wild Rose (Woodland Sketches Op.51) [Macdowell, Edward]
- Traumerei (Kinderscenen) Op.15 No.7
- Trois Gnossiennes [Satie, Erik]
- Valse (Chopin)
- Waltz [Weber, Carl Maria Von]
- Waltz In A Flat Op.39 No.15 [Brahms, Johannes]
- Waltz In C Sharp Minor Op.64 No.2 [Chopin, Frederic]
Item Details
Category: Classical Piano AlbumsPublisher: Wise Publications
Publisher's reference: HL14019046
Our Stock Code: 1090079
Media Type: Paperback