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Flute Music by Female Composers

13 Pieces for Flute and Piano

Edited by Elisabeth Weinzierl & Edmund Wächter
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  • Staff Pick

Staff Pick

“A who's who!”

Chris Hankin Just Flutes staff member - [email protected]

This is a veritable who's who of women who have and still are writing for the flute. With repertoire ranging from the Baroque music of Anna Amalia of Prussia through the French tradition of Chaminade, Bonis and Tailleferre to the contemporary writing of Barabara Heller and Caroline Ansink this book could not be more varied. Highlights are the Sonata by Anna Bon, the classical variations by Blahetka and the Boulanger Nocturne. Expore and enjoy!

From the Publisher

In this collection, Elisabeth Weinzierl-Wächter and Barbara Heller present works for flute and piano by 13 female composers: starting with the 18th century, with sonatas by Anna Amalia von Preußen and Anna Bon di Venezia, via the 19th century with variations by Blahetka and 'Sérénade aux Étoiles' by Cecile Chaminade, and via works by Mélanie Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Germaine Tailleferre to the present time with works by Barbara Heller, Gloria Coates, Dorothee Eberhardt, Caroline Ansink, Annette Schlünz and Christine K. Brückner.

Difficulty guide: 6-9
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).


  • Anna Amalia von Prussen 'Sonata in F major'
  • Anna Bon di Venezia 'Sonata in G major Op1/6'
  • Leopoldine Blahetka 'Variations for Flute'
  • Cecile Chaminade 'Serenade aux Etoiles'
  • Melanie Bonis 'Piece Op189'
  • Germaine Tailleferre 'Forlane'
  • Lili Boulanger 'Nocturne'
  • Barbara Heller 'Parlando'
  • Gloria Coates 'Phantom'
  • Dorothee Eberhard 'Traume'
  • Caroline Ansink 'Epitaph for Marius'
  • Annette Schulnz 'Tastend, Trane'
  • Christine Bruckner 'Tsetono'

Item Details


  • Part 1: Flute
  • Part 2: Piano
Category: Accompanied Classical Flute Albums
Publisher: Schott
Publisher's reference: ED 9947
Our Stock Code: 1196498
Media Type: Paperback (98 pages [score])