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Euro Suite

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Our Description

Twelve European currencies such as Peseta, Pound and Schilling all have their musical counterparts such as Jota, Rock and Waltz. Pip van Steen and Will Derks wrote a collection of jingling coins for flute and guitar to mark the introduction of the Euro on January 1 2001.

Difficulty guide: 4-5
Difficulty level, roughly compared to ABRSM exam grades. 0 is total beginner, 9 is advanced (beyond grade 8).


Belgium: Franc Fries - Frieten Franken
Germany: Remarkable - Markwaardig
France: Frank & Mary-Anne - Frank & Marianne
Austria: Chilling Shilling - Skishilling
Italy: Delirium - Voor ? Lire
Netherlands: Double Dutch Dollar - Vergulde Dollar
Portugal: Escudo-re-mi - Escufado
Ireland: Irish Counterpoint - Iers Contrapunt
Spain: Peseta Pesante - Pesetaria
Finland: Lake Markka - Markka Meer
Luxembourg: Super Bluff - Super de Luxe
Greece: Greek Drachma - Verdrachme

Item Details

Category: Music for Flute and Guitar
Publisher: Broekmans & van Poppel
Publisher's reference: BRP1716
Our Stock Code: 1144161
Media Type: Paperback