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Dan Levenson's Master Collection of Old-Time Tunes

Over 300 tunes in standard notation for all instruments

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From the Publisher

Whether you already play old-time music, or you are just getting started, this is the book for you. Dan Levenson’s Master Collection of Old-Time Tunes presents more than 300 tunes in standard notation with suggested chords for you to explore and enjoy. All but a few are traditional or older tunes and are easily searched online to discover their pedigree as well as several recorded versions of them.Some might call this a complete repertoire in a book in the following sense: It is a large (though not encyclopedic) collection of old-time fiddle tunes played in today’s sessions.Learning the tunes in this book will give you a solid old-time repertoire that would allow you to join in jams in the many communities playing old-time music today.


  1. Ain’t Gonna Get No Supper Here Tonight
  2. Altamont
  3. Angelina Baker (aka Angeline the Baker)
  4. Antelope Gap
  5. Arkansas Traveler
  6. Avalon Quickstep
  7. And the Cat Came Back
  8. Barlow Knife (John Salyer)
  9. Barlow Knife (Song)
  10. Banjo Tramp
  11. Been to the East, Been to the West
  12. Big Eyed Rabbit
  13. Big John McNeil
  14. Big Scioto
  15. Bill Cheatam
  16. Billy in the Low Ground
  17. Black Eyed Suzianna (aka Susiana)
  18. Black Cat in a Briar Patch
  19. Black Hills Waltz
  20. Black Jack Grove
  21. Blackbird Says to the Crow
  22. Boatman
  23. Bob Tailed Mule
  24. Booth Shot Lincoln
  25. Bowl-a-Rama
  26. Breaking Up Christmas
  27. Briar Picker Brown
  28. Broken Down Gambler
  29. Buck Mountain
  30. Buffalo Gals (KY version in G)
  31. Buffalo Gals (Common version in G)
  32. Buffalo Gals (in A)
  33. Buckin’ Dun
  34. Bull at the Wagon
  35. Camp Chase
  36. Camp Meeting on the th of July
  37. Candy Girl
  38. Chase the Squirrel
  39. Chattanooga
  40. Cincinnati Hornpipe
  41. Cherokee Shuffle (in A)
  42. Cherokee Shuffle (in D)
  43. Chinese Breakdown
  44. Climbing the Golden Stairs
  45. Chinquapin Hunting (in A)
  46. Chinquapin Hunting (in D – Stamper)
  47. Coast Is Clear
  48. Cluck Old Hen
  49. Colored Aristocracy
  50. Cookhouse Joe
  51. Crow Little Rooster
  52. Crook Brothers Breakdown
  53. Crow Creek
  54. Cuffy
  55. Cuckoo’s Nest in D
  56. Cuckoo’s Nest in A (aka Richmond)
  57. Dance All Night with a Bottle in My Hand
  58. Devil Eat the Groundhog
  59. Dinah
  60. Doctor, Doctor
  61. Dogs in the Dishes
  62. Double File
  63. Dry and Dusty
  64. Drunken Hiccups
  65. Ducks on the Mill Pond
  66. Dubuque
  67. Duck River
  68. Ducks in the Pond
  69. Duke of Kent’s Waltz
  70. Mr. Fishar’s Hornpipe (aka Fisher’s Hornpipe)
  71. Durang’s Hornpipe
  72. Dusty Miller
  73. Ebenezer
  74. Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss (in D aka Western Country)
  75. Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss (in G from The Tar Heel Rattlers)
  76. Flying Clouds (aka Flying Cloud Cotillion)
  77. Elzic’s Farewell
  78. Five Miles From Town
  79. Flying Indian
  80. Folding Down the Sheets
  81. Forked Deer
  82. Fortune
  83. Fun’s All Over
  84. Gaston
  85. George Booker
  86. Georgia Railroad
  87. Gilsaw
  88. Get Off Your Money
  89. Give the Fiddler a Dram
  90. Girl I Left Behind
  91. Glory Medley
  92. Goodbye Girls, I’m Going to Boston
  93. Going Up Town
  94. Goodbye My Little Darling
  95. Grey Cat on a Tennessee Farm
  96. Grand Picnic
  97. Grasshopper Sitting on a Sweet Potato Vine
  98. Greasy Coat (Hammons)
  99. Greasy String (Tommy Jarrell)
  100. Greasy String (Melvin Wine)
  101. Great Big Taters in a Sandy Land
  102. Green Willis (aka The Raw Recruit)
  103. Grey Eagle
  104. Grub Springs
  105. Hangman’s Reel
  106. Happy Hollow
  107. Half Past Four
  108. Hell and Scissors
  109. Henry Reed’s Breakdown
  110. Hey Little Girl Do What You Want
  111. High Yellow
  112. Hollow Poplar
  113. Home With the Girls in the Morning
  114. Hooker’s Hornpipe
  115. Hop Light Ladies (aka Miss McLeod’s Reel)
  116. Hunt the Buffalo
  117. I Don’t Love Nobody
  118. Icy Mountain
  119. I’m Going to Get My Mustache Blacked
  120. Indian Ate the Woodchuck
  121. Indian Corn (aka Ol’ Woodard’s Tune)
  122. I’ve Got No Honey Babe Now
  123. Jaybird
  124. Jaybird Died of the Whooping Cough
  125. Jeff City
  126. Jeff Sturgeon
  127. Jenny on the Railroad
  128. Jimmy in the Swamp
  129. Jimmy Shank
  130. John Brown’s Dream
  131. John Brown’s March
  132. John Henry
  133. John Lover’s Gone
  134. John Sharp’s Reel
  135. John Stenson’s #2
  136. Johnny Cope
  137. Johnny Don’t Get Drunk
  138. Johnson Boys
  139. Johnson Gals
  140. Jonah in the Windstorm
  141. Juliann Johnson
  142. Jump in the Well My Pretty Little Miss
  143. Jump Jim Crow
  144. Kash Kersey
  145. Just From the Fountain
  146. Katy Hill
  147. Kansas City Reel
  148. Lady of the Lake  
  149. Lady of the Lake  
  150. Ladies on the Steamboat
  151. Leather Britches
  152. Liberty
  153. Little Burnt Potato
  154. Little Betty Brown
  155. Little Billy Wilson
  156. Little Dutch Girl
  157. Little Girl with Her Hair Down Behind
  158. Little Sadie
  159. Log Chain
  160. Logan County Blues
  161. Love Somebody
  162. Lonesome Train
  163. Lost Indian (Ed Haley)
  164. Maggots in the Sheep Hide
  165. Magpie
  166. Martha Campbell
  167. Meadow Prancer (Ryck Kaiser)
  168. Merry Blacksmith
  169. McMichen’s Reel (aka Hog Trough Reel)
  170. Mike in the Wilderness
  171. Mississippi Sawyer
  172. Mole in the Ground
  173. Monkey on a Dogcart
  174. Money Musk
  175. Money Musk (Wooliver’s)
  176. Moses Hoe the Corn
  177. Muddy Roads
  178. Natchez Under the Hill
  179. Needlecase (aka Latch Key)
  180. New Five Cents
  181. New Money
  182. Nixon’s Farewell (Curtis Bouterse)
  183. North Carolina Breakdown
  184. Oh My Little Darling
  185. Oklahoma Rooster
  186. Old Belle Cow (2 part)
  187. Old Belle Cow (3 part)
  188. Old Bunch of Keys
  189. Old Horse and Buggy
  190. Old Joe Clark
  191. Old Melinda
  192. Old Molly Hare
  193. Old Mother Flannigan
  194. Old Savannah (Beverly Smith)
  195. Old Yellow Dog Come Trotting Through the
  196. Meeting House
  197. Ora Lee
  198. Opera Reel (aka The Celebrated Opera Reel)
  199. Orvetta Waltz
  200. Over the Waterfall
  201. Pikes Peak
  202. Polly Put the Kettle On
  203. Pig Ankle Rag
  204. Policeman
  205. Possum in the Well
  206. Possum on a Rail
  207. Porter’s Reel
  208. Quince Dillon’s High D
  209. Ragtime Annie
  210. Railroad Through the Rocky Mountains (aka
  211. Marmaduke’s Hornpipe)
  212. Rainy Day
  213. (The) Rattlesnake
  214. Rattlesnake Bit the Baby
  215. Red Bird
  216. Red Fox Waltz
  217. Red Haired Boy (aka Little Begger Man)
  218. Richmond Cotillion
  219. Rickett’s Hornpipe
  220. Rock That Cradle Lucy
  221. Rock the Cradle Joe (1)
  222. Rock the Cradle Joe (2)
  223. Roaring River
  224. Rochester Schottische
  225. Rocky Mountain Goat
  226. Rocky Mountain Hornpipe
  227. Rocky Pallet
  228. Rocky Road to Jordan
  229. Rolling River
  230. Roscoe
  231. Run Down Boot
  232. Run Rabbit Run
  233. Rye Straw (aka Joke on the Puppy)
  234. Saddle Up the Gray
  235. Sailing Over England
  236. Saint Anne’s Reel
  237. Sally Anne Johnson
  238. Sal’s Got Mud Between Her Toes
  239. Salty River Reel
  240. Sandy Boys
  241. Sandy River Belle
  242. Sarah Armstrong (collected as Old Reel)
  243. Saturday Night Breakdown
  244. Seneca Square Dance
  245. Shepherd’s Walk
  246. Shoes and Stockings
  247. Shoo Fly
  248. Shortening Bread (Doc Roberts’)
  249. Shove That Pig’s Foot a Little Further Into the Fire
  250. Shuckin’ the Brush
  251. Shuffle About
  252. Silly Bill
  253. Sleepy Eyed Joe
  254. Sleepy Eyed John
  255. Snake River Reel (Peter Lippincott)
  256. Snowbird
  257. Soldier’s Joy
  258. Spotted Pony
  259. Star of Bethlehem
  260. Staten Island Hornpipe
  261. Step Around Johnny
  262. Sugar Hill
  263. Sugar in the Gourd
  264. Tater Patch
  265. Temperance Reel (aka Teatotalers Reel)
  266. Texas
  267. Texas Gals
  268. Texas Quick Step (aka Rachael)
  269. That’s My Rabbit, My Dog Caught It
  270. Thread the Needle
  271. Three Forks of Reedy
  272. Three Thin Dimes
  273. Three Way Hornpipe
  274. Tom and Jerry
  275. Tomahawk
  276. Tombigbee Waltz
  277. Too Young to Marry (1)
  278. Too Young to Marry (2)
  279. Triangle Blues (formerly misnamed Under the Parasol)
  280. Train on the Island
  281. Trot Along My Honey
  282. Trouble on My Mind
  283. Wake Up Susan (1)
  284. Wake Up Susan (2)
  285. Valley Forge
  286. Waiting for the Boatsman
  287. Waldorf Reel
  288. Walk Along John to Kansas
  289. Walk Old Shoe (with a Heel Come a Draggin’)
  290. Walking in My Sleep
  291. Washington’s March
  292. Waterbound
  293. Ways of the World
  294. Whistling Rufus (aka Way Down South)
  295. West Fork Gals
  296. Whiskey Before Breakfast
  297. Whitesburg
  298. Wild Hog in the Woods
  299. Wild Horses at Stony Point
  300. Woodchopper’s Reel
  301. Year of Jubilo (aka Lincoln’s Gunboats)
  302. Yellow Barber
  303. Y.Z. Hamilton’s Special Breakdown
  304. Yellow Gals
  305. Yellow Rose of Texas

Item Details

Category: Mixed World Music Collections for Flute
Publisher: Mel Bay Publications, Inc
Publisher's reference: MB31088
Our Stock Code: 1674965
Media Type: Paperback (124 pages [score])