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"Chart of Fingering - Sustained Tones - Studies on Intervals - Studies in the Clarion Register - Studies between the Chalumeau and Clarion Registers - ""Rhythmic Studies in 2/4 - 3/4 - amd 4/4 Time"" - Duos by Klose and Berr - Staccato Studies - Studies on Intervals - Studies for the High B and C - Articulation Studies - Rhythmic Studies - Studies for F-sharp fingerings - Rhythmic Studies Duos - By G.L. - Duoa Dotted Notes - By Berr - On Rhythm on Syncopation Duos - By G.L. - Studies for the High D - Rhythmic Studies in 3/8 Time - Studies for the B-flat fingerings - Rhythmic Studies in 6/8 Time - Technical Exercises - Studies for the C-sharp and D-flat Fingerings - ""On Forte-Piano - Crescendo - and Diminuendo"" - ""Theme and Variations - Duo"" - ""Studies for the E-flat/D-sharp fingerings - also high F"" - ""Duos - by Dancla - Berr"" - Technical Studies - ""Studies for the G-sharp/A-flat fingerings - also for key D"" - Technical Studies - Studies of Crescendi and Diminuendi - Marks of Expression - Studies in Dynamics - On Expression - Duos - by G.L. and Klose - Technical Studies - ""Duos - by Berr - Handel - G.L. - Pleyel - Spohr - Berr"" - Syncopation Studies - ""Duos - by L. Mozart - Campagnoli"" - On Distorted Rhythms - Duos - by G.L. - Duos - by G.L. - Forte-piano Studies - Sforzando and Accents - ""Accented eighth notes - dotted notes"" - ""Duos - by Berr - Mazas - Weber - Berr - De Beriot"" - ""Technical Studies - by Campagnoli - Dancla - A.B. Bruni"" - Studies for the High F-sharp and G Fingerings - Scale Studies - Chromatic Scale Studies - ""Technical Studies - by Kreutzer - Grieg"" - ""Duos - by Berr - Spohr"" - Musical Terms"

Item Details

Category: Clarinet Study Books
Publisher: Carl Fischer
Publisher's reference: O1402
Our Stock Code: 1622294
Media Type: Paperback