Product Reviews: The Painless Guide to Music Theory Book 1 Grades 1-3
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“Brilliant book highly recommend ”
This book really helped me pass my grade 3 theory. It was a quick, easy and effective way of learning my theory.
“Clear and relevant and made theory of music fun for my 10 year old”
You can tell that the author has helped a lot of pupils to pass music theory exams because it is so well laid out and clearly shows what you need to learn for each grade 1-3 for theory of music.
My daughter and i liked the fact that it builds tackles a topic and covers the grade 1& 2 knowledge and then shows immediately the Grade 3 extension part of the topic. Gave my daughter confidence that the grade 3 part wasn't significantly harder. Great examples and also fun facts about music throughout the book. There are even links to online practice / QR codes for useful revision apps. Great book.
“Clear and concise”
This book is broken down into manageable sections and is straight forward to work through. It gives helpful tips such as ways to work out every key signature. It was exactly what my daughters needed to help them understand and pass Grade 3 theory well. I wish I'd had it when I was learning music theory 30 years ago.