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Product Reviews: The myfife Pack [Black Fife]

Liz Goodwin
£13.29 excluding VAT (UK Export and VAT Assisted Purchase price)

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Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 (2 reviews)

5 out of 5 “The amazing Fife pack”

Reviewed by Phil, 12 years ago
Verified Purchase

It was really exciting to open the pack and find out what was inside. The fife makes a cool sound, the book is quite easy to read, and the bag is very useful and I like the colour.

Cara (age 7)

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5 out of 5 “Perfect for a beginner regardless of age”

Reviewed by Maureen , 2 years ago
Verified Purchase

I love the myfife flute, it sounds no different to the name brand yamamah fife. This matt black version looks very smart it plays really well I'm very pleased. I purchased my flute as part of the book deal, so not purchased separately and I tell you, the fife and the book are truly invaluable the fife book is a fantastic guidebook displayed really well on how to play the fife (which of course will help you to play any flute in general), how to breath when playing the instrument/produce the right tone and it teaches you how to read music as well as other things. There are pages & pages of music from the letter A right down to Y to play on this flute, I love this book. The beauty of both these items is, they will last you forever. I am truly pleased with both as an adult beginner. Thank you.

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