Hyning Monastery Ecumenical Flute Retreat

Hyning Monastery Ecumenical Flute Retreat
Tuesday, 26 August 2025, 17:30 - Saturday, 30 August 2025 14:00
Now in its third year, the Hyning Monastery Ecumenical Flute Retreat combines elements of a classic spiritual retreat - daily conferences, time for personal and community prayer – with an opportunity to explore how music can be a path to God. There will be plenty of time to enjoy playing the flute both in a group, as a solo player and during the liturgy.
It is particularly suitable for adult players (18+) of grade 4+ ability who use their flute within Christian worship, or for flautists who would like to combine the spiritual and musical dimensions of a flute retreat.
It is led by Sr Mary Helen, (the fluting nun!), a passionate flautist who is a member of the Hyning Community, and Liz Gilbert, a local flute teacher.
Comfortable ensuite single room accommodation, and opportunities to enjoy the local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
12 places available.
Contact: Sr Mary Helen [email protected] 01524 732684