We recognise that our day-to-day operations and products have an impact on the environment. We are committed to minimising the pollution and harmful effects of our products and services, wherever practicable.
We aim to:
- Comply with all relevant global environmental legislation and regulatory controls.
- Minimise waste and paper usage, maximise use of resources and prevent pollution in all parts of the business.
- Identify ways to reduce our energy usage, and use electricity suppliers which provide renewable energy.
- Prefer eco-friendly packaging materials, and reuse of non eco-friendly materials we receive wherever practical.
- Identify significant environmental & social impacts and establish objectives and targets for improvement.
- Champion environmental causes, particularly where we can assist or advise suppliers in reducing packaging waste and single-use plastic.
- Audit our activities against this policy to confirm environmental improvement.
- Communicate this policy and the Company environmental performance to customers, suppliers and the public.
- Ensure all employees are made accountable for these policy goals through training and communication of environmental issues throughout the company
- Encourage all employees to be proactive in the maintenance and further development of the company environmental management system
- Increase stakeholder involvement in corporate environmental initiatives
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its continuing effectiveness.