Trinity College London Clarinet Jazz Grade 7 (2017-2022)
Exam Music Finder
Group B
Three pieces are to be played, two pieces from group A and one piece from group B, to form a balanced programme. Instead of one piece, candidates may offer an own composition.
- Wilson: Let's Hear It Woody or Salt Peanuts or Artie for Sure
Available in:
- Gumbley: Trick or Treat?
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- Holcombe: G minor Etude or E minor Etude
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- Lyons: Study no. 42
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- (Unavailable)
- R Purcell: Chasing Your Tail or Guess So!
Available in:
- Rae: Now Hear This! no. 27 or Round and Round, no. 33
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- J Wilson: No. 1
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- Rae: The Whole Truth or Mobile Tones
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