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ABRSM Treble Recorder Grade 3 (2022+)

Exam Music Finder

List A

One piece chosen by the candidate from list A

  1. Anon.: Wilson’s Love, arr. Rosenberg
    Available in:
  2. G. Bingham: Air: Allegro (from Airs Anglois)
    Available in:
  3. Byrd: La volta, arr. Bullard
    Available in:
  4. M.-A. Charpentier: Prelude (from Te Deum, H. 146), arr. Bennetts & Bowman
    Available in:
  5. Byrd: Wolsey’s Wilde, arr. Hand
    Available in:
  6. de Lavigne: Le chévre-feuille (from Les fleurs)
    Available in:
  7. B. Marcello: Gavotta and Minuet (4th and 5th movts from Sonata in B flat, Op. 2 No. 7)
    Available in:
  8. Mozart: Andante
    Available in:
  9. Schickhardt: Air, arr. Bergmann
    Available in: